The News-Virginian from Waynesboro, Virginia (2024)

Miss McCormick Is Bride Of Mr. Freelyn V. Stanley Miss Linda June McCormick became the bride of Mr. Freelyn Vernon Stanley in a double ring ceremony this afternoon at The service was conducted by Rev. James R.

Black before an altar decorated with graduated candelabra, palms, and greens centered with baskets of white gladioli and mums. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hansford McCormick of 2126 Mt. Vernon St.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Freelyn V. Stanley of 1638 Park Rd. Mr.

George N. Middlekauff provided a program of traditional wedding music. herb bride, father, given wore in a silk marriage orby ganza gown with portrait neckline and short sleeves. The neckline and sleeves were outlined with imported Alencon lace and with seed pearls. Appliques of Alencon lace sprinkled the skirt and the hem was scalloped with a trim of matching lace.

Her chapel train was attached to a collar of Alencon lace and was also sprinkled with appliques of the lace. A finger tip illusion veil fell from a cluster of open roses in organza. The petals of the headpiece roses were tipped with seed pearls. She carried a cascade of white butterfly roses and baker fern. Miss Kay McCormick was her sister's maid of honor.

Bridesmaids were Miss Martha Anne Page, Mrs. Barbara Pierce, and Miss Judy Brodhead, all of Charlottesville. Attendants wore chiffon over matching diluna fabric. The empire bodice gowns had a modified neckline and short cap sleeves. The full A line skirt was accented at the waist with a band of contrasting embroidered flowers interlaced with folds of matching chiffon.

Headpieces were matching Dior bows. The maid of honor's dress was maise and she carried a cascade of French apricot carnations and white marguerite daisies. Bridesmaids' gowns were in nile green and they carried cascades of yellow marguerite daisies and baker fern. Miss Gloria McCormick was Waynesboro Community HOSPITAL NEWS ADMITTED Friday to the Waynesboro Community Hospital: Mrs. Curtis S.

Thomas, Stuarts Draft Master Franklin H. Killam, Stuarts Draft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Killam Master Marvin W. Painter, son of Mr.

and Norman Painter, Park Mr. Herman L. Layne, 1320 Shenandoah Ave. Mrs. Ronald S.

Moyers, Port Republic Rd. Mrs. James F. School, Box 67 Mr. Ronald W.

Bragg, 632 S. Wayne Ave. Mrs. Cora Wichael, 726 Highland Ave. DISCHARGED Friday: Miss Bertha Pannell Mr.

David F. Hyden Miss Arletta Keenan Mrs. Alfred L. Layne Mrs. Burgess Hunt Mr.

William Crummett Master David Mater, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin G. Mater Mr. Allen Vaughn Francis Quick Mr.

Tommy L. Mayo Mr. Robert L. Shover Mrs. Helen L.

Whitmore Mr. Johnie H. Grimm Mrs. Eddie D. Craig Mr.

Carl S. Shifflett Mrs. Ralph Coyner Miss Nancy Bradley Mrs. Gary Bodkin Mrs. Abner F.

Weaver Births Born Friday, Aug. 2 at the Waynesboro Community Hospital: Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Moyers, Port Republic Rd.

Operation Know-How Program Set The Women's Society of Christian Service and the Wesleyan Service Guild of the Basic United Methodist Church will meet for "Operation KnowHow" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. The program is designed for total membership training. It will cover organizational structure, officer responsibilities, and programming. Mrs.

William Jester and Mrs. George Chamber will present the program. Mrs. Jester is the Staunton District WSCS recording secretary. Mrs.

Chambers is the Waynesboro WSCS zone leader and vice president of the Board of Directors of the United Chuch Nursery Inc. Circles of the church will not meet at their usual time in August but will meet briefly at the close of the presentation Tuesday. THE NEWS- VIRGINIAN, 1968 Waynesboro, Virginia 3 Saturday, August 3, Ann Landers Answers Your Problems DEAR ANN LANDERS: For crying in the grog, will you please quit wasting valuable newspaper space on those squirrely teen-age "problems." The kids who write have a different beef every five minutes- especially the girls they sound as if the world is coming to an end. I'll bet by the time their letters appear in print they have forgotten who the clown was they were writing about. In the past two weeks I've read nonsense from a sitter who complained about not getting fed while on the job, a boring thing from a girl whose parents fight all the time and a stupid request for a cure for acne.

You've also printed letters from kids whose friends are shoplifters and smoke pot. Such letters should not get space in your column. It makes the writer feel important. Please use your brains on the adults who need your help, Ann. The punks can manage for themselves.

Besides, they probably don't listen to you anyway. STEADY ANN FAN DEAR STEADY: Thanks for your point of view. Here's someone else's: DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a teen reader who would like to make a request. Please, Ann, make sure there is at least one teen-age problem in your column every day. We teens are faithful readers and when we get passed over completely we feel very let down, like ignored.

Many teen-agers have no one to confide in. Your column is a wonderful place to unload without fear of humiliation or embarrassment. We also learn a lot from the kids who have made mistakes and written to say so. So please, Ann, pay more attention to us. We really need you.

TRUE BLUE TO YOU DEAR TRUE: I can't promise, but I will try to publish one teen-age letter every day. Thanks for your vote of confidence. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just read the letter from the wife who complained because she and her husband must go visit her 79-year-old mother-in-law "several times a year." She said the old lady lives 140 miles away and the trips are a big, fat bore. My mother-in-law lives two blocks away and she drives me and my husband nuts. She thinks nothing of telephoning at 7:30 in the morning and asking him to go get her a pint of coffee cream or a loaf of bread.

And no matter where she goes, he has to drive her. I hope the woman who complained sees this letter and realizes how lucky she is. I'd be happy to go visit her motherin-law "several times a year" if she'd play handmaiden to my mother-in-law around the clock. WORN OUT DEAR WORN: Sorry I can't arrange the switch but thanks for writing. CONFIDENTIAL to Why cause she denied you of solitude company.

Your neighbor had of bores. Tell her if she values pull that stunt again. Am I You are mad bewithout providing you with no right to bring over a pack your friendship she will not Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of The News-Virginian, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. (Copyright 1968, Publishers-Hall Syndicate) Weyers Cave By BESSIE REUBUSH Special Correspondent WEYERS CAVE Mr.

and Mrs. A. E. Wright of Waynesboro and Mr. and Mrs.

Ward Reubush Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright in Xenia, Ohio. Mr.

and Mrs. George Shreckhise spent the weekend in York, Pa. Mrs. Mayberry Blosser and Mr. L.

L. Wise are improving at Rockingham Memorial Hospital. Miss Irene Chapman spent Personals ten days in Washington, D. York, and Boonesboro, Md. Miss Mary Ann Alexander and Miss Linda Argabright are at Camp Michaux near Gettysburg, Pa.

Corporal and Mrs. Charles Losh were called from Oceanside, by the death of Mrs. Losh's grandfather, Mr. A. Dewey Craig.

Mrs. John H. Best of Bethesda, Mrs. W. B.

Patterson, and Miss Debbie McLeau were weekend guests of their mother, Mrs. J. B. Foley. GRANTS SUNDAY ONLY DINNER COUS SPECIALS TOWN COUNTRY Served DINING 11 A.M.

to 8 P.M. Your Choice GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN All the golden fried chicken you can eat with French Fries, creamy cole slaw, roll and butter. TENDER FRIED LIVER With onion saute, mashed potato, buttered vegetable, roll and butter. ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF Buttered noodles, buttered vegetable, mashed potatoes, vegetable gravy, roll and butter. ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY Dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potato, buttered vegetable, roll and butter, OPEN SUNDAYS 8 A.M.

TO 8 P.M. The Centre For Shopping KNOWN FOR VALUES Miss Wood, Mr. Ahalt Wed Friday Afternoon AFTON (Special) In a dou-1 ring, Methodist ceremony Church, at Rodes Miss United Georgia Whitfield Wood and Mr. Paul Frederick Ahalt were married Friday. The ceremony was performed at 4 in the afternoon by the Rev.

H. G. Schroeder before a setting of palms, candelabra, and baskets of mixed flowers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

George W. Wood of Alton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwin Ahalt of Pearisburg. A program of traditional wedding music was provided by Mrs.

Kenneth Lee and soloist Mr. Thomas Wagner of Stuarts Draft who sang Love Divine and Golden," and "The Lord's Prayer." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of Alencon lace over satin designed with scalloped neckline edged with seed pearls and sequins, an empire waistline, and long tapered sleeves ending in points at the hands. The A-line skirt featured a scalloped hemline. Her chapel train of Alencon lace was attached at the shoulders of the gown. Her elbow length veil of illusion fell from a crown of seed pearls and sequins.

She carried a cascade of white roses, stephanotis, and baby breath. Miss Nellie Wood was her sister's maid of honor. Miss Brooks Wallace of Accomack was the bridesmaid. The maid of honor wore a full length gown of yellow peau de soie and the bridesmaid's gown gold peau de soie. The dresses featured lace sleeves and A-line skirts.

The attendants carried nosegays of daisies with mint green streamers. Mr. Richard Ahalt of Middletown, was the best man. Ushers were Mr. Charles Lohr and Mr.

Jerry Williams, both of Warrenton, and Mr. Mark Ahalt of Middletown, Md. Circle Meeting Postponed By Special Correspondent AFTON The regular monthly meeting of the Mary Saunders Circle of Hebron Baptist Church has been postponed from this Tuesday to Tuesday, Aug. 13, due to the revival. Club To Serve Supper By Special Correspondent STUARTS DRAFT The Stuarts Draft Home Demonstration Club will serve the supper at the Ruritan Horse Show from 4 to 7 tonight at Stuarts Draft Elementary School Cafeteria.

BACK AGAIN Offer Mrs. Paul Frederick Ahalt Mrs. Freelyn her sister's flower girl. Master Michael Stanley, brother of the groom, was the ringbearer. Mr.

Kenneth Stanley was his brother's best man. Ushers were Mr. John Rivers of Oxon Hill, Mr. Dennis Atkins of Richmond, and Mr. Charles B.

Arthur of Rustburg. The mother of the bride wore a street length dress of pink embroidered organza. The sleeveless A-line skimmer dress had a rolled jeweled neckline and a demi-fitted jacket with bracelet length sleeves accented with jewel buttons. She wore a white cymbidium orchid with a throat and a headpiece of pink organza and net. The groom's mother wore an imported venise lace ensemble of primrose beige with rounded neckline and an empire waist.

A princess style overcoat of venise lace featured ragland three quarter length sleeves and was worn over a sleeveless dress. She wore a gold cymbidium orchid and a Dior bow headpiece of matching crepe with a veil of illusion. A reception followed the ceremony at the church fellowship hall. Mrs. R.

M. McCormick and Mrs. Massie Wright served the punch. Mrs. Charles T.

Page and Mrs. Annabelle McChesney served the cake. Mrs. Len Reynolds was at the guest book. Prior to her marriage, the bride was honored with a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs.

Barbara Pierce. The groom's parents hosted Homemakers Plan Party By Special Correspondent STUARTS DRAFT The Young Homemakers Demonstration Club of Stuarts Draft met recently at the home of Mrs. Sherwood Black. Plans for a picnic were canceled and plans were made for a Tupper-ware party to be held at the Calvary United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Aug.

19. The demonstration on "Outdoor Meals" was given by Mrs. Sherwood Black and Mrs. Jean Dixon. Members served were Mrs.

Franklin Taylor, Mrs. Walter Cleavenger, Mrs. Paige Foster, Mrs. Ann Almarode, Boyd Moneymaker, Mrs. Carol McCullough, Mrs.

Dixon, and hostess, Mrs. Black. Vernon Stanley the rehearsal dinner at the Inn, Afton. The bride attended Lees-McRae College, in North Carolina, and graduated from Brant's Business School, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. The groom attended Ferrum College where he was a member of Phi Theta Kappa national honor society.

He is a graduate of Virginia Tech and is presently employed at Madison County High School. For her wedding trip, the bride wore a sheath dress of lemon yellow, with accessories of yellow and black patent leather. When the couple returns from their wedding trip to Myrtle Beach, S. Aug. 12, they will make their home in Madison.

Guests attended the wedding from Charleston, S. Columbia, S. Maryland, Indianapolis, Charlottesville, and Richmond. Personals Miss Nellie Tankesly, 231 Thompson Staunton, remains ill at King's Daughters' Hospital where she has been a patient since July 24. Mrs.

Edwin O. Davisson of Greenwood, returned home after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spilman. named Ricky Mr.

and Mrs. Bobby G. Heffinger of Grottoes announce the birth of a son on July 25 at Waynesboro Community Hospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds and one ounce and has been named Ricky Gesse. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert M. Spilman and their children, Jimmy, Kathy, and Karen, of Nenna, returned home after spending several days with Mr. Spilman's parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Spilman. Mrs. Sally Nesbitt of Salem was a recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G.

Heffinger of Grottoes. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spilman Jr. and their son, Sam, returned to their home in Fayetteville, N.

after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spilman. Miss Beth Spilman, daugher of Mr. and Mrs.

W. B. Spilman returnled with them for a visit. OF Grand Opening Melody Lane Music Center 304 W. Beverley Staunton Next To WTON Wednesday, August 7 OPEN 9:00 A.M.

6:00 P.M. 4 VALUABLE CASH PRIZES It Band Instrument Rental and Sales Bach, Buescher, Lesher, Ludwig Accessories (Band, Guitar, Stereo) Complete Sheet Music Department Records Twirling Batons Stereos CONTACT JEANETTE 885-3737 EDWIN BERRY 885-2290 BERRY "DEW DROP INN FOR ALL YOUR MUSIC NEEDS" The bride's mother wore al beige sheath with matching accessories and the groom's mother wore a maize shantung dress with lace trim and matching accessories. A reception followed the ceremony in the church social hall. Mrs. William Jackson was at the guest book.

Mrs. Moore and Miss Martha Sterrett, both of Vienna, served the cake. Miss Mona Sellers of Warrenton served the punch. Stuarts Draft Personals By Special Correspondent STUARTS DRAFT Mr. and Mrs.

George Woods and family' and Miss Cathy Michael have returned home after vacationing at Fort Pierce, Fla. They also visited Marineland and several points of interest in St. Augustine and Vero Beach. Recent weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Coffey were Mr. and Mrs. George Fretwell and daughters, April and Robin, former residents of San Diego, now living at Virginia Beach. LOOK! BY POPULAR Good UU That's right, order of dry deduct $1.00 For example: will cost you $6.00 order The broom's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at the General Wayne Motor Inn. The bride is a graduate of Nelson County High School and Madison 1 College.

She is teaching Fauquier High School in Warrenton. The groom is a graduate of Pearisburg High School and Virginia Tech. He is employed by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Commerce. The bride wore an A-line beige dress with navy accessories when she left for the southern wedding, trip. will be at home at $641 Waterloo Warrenton, after Aug.

8. WIDE-TRACKING The Great American Sport Wide-Track It To TERRY MARTIN Pontiac-Cadillac-Oldsmobile 1221 W. Main Dial 942-8249 Dir. Lic. 14 CUSTOMER DEMAND! Wed.

OFF SALE for each $3.00 cleaning we will off of your order! A $3.00 order only $2.00, a only $4.00 and etc. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Reg. NOW $1.25 5 For 99c 3 REASONS Use Our Convenient TO STOP AT Drive- In 1 HR. MARTINIZING Window Low, Low Prices We have installed a Fast, Efficient Service drive over alarm to announce you for High Quality Dry Cleaning service. Open 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

Sat. 'til 6 p.m. ONE HOUR FREE PARKING DRIVE- IN WINDOW 1017 W. Broad Dial 942-9908 Waynesboro, Va. the.

The News-Virginian from Waynesboro, Virginia (2024)


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